I Did Not Choose The Skin I Was Born In.

6 min readJun 12, 2020

…so what’s all the fuss about?

Image of the Author’s niece

I came from a culture that treats visitors with respect. We give foreigners in my home country the opportunities to strive. However, I was deluded, absolved with this notion that such practise was common in every part of the world. Oblivious of the fact that every man has his rules.

Within a few weeks in England, I made a new friend. Jessica was the window into which I viewed the new world I found myself a decade and a half years ago. She introduced me to the world of food, culture and literature of Great Britain. I became conversant with this new world within weeks of meeting my friend. I felt at home and saw the beauty and ingenuity of British culture.

The Opinions Of Others

Jessica’s little flat in Russel Square became a second home to me. I was welcomed to collect the keys at a post whenever Jessica wasn’t in. The first problem began with the keys. Jessica’s neighbour with whom the keys were kept never liked me. He had refused to hand over the keys to me a few times but I didn’t read meaning to it.

In the middle of Summer of that year, Jessica travelled out of the country and I was trusted in keeping her cats alive by popping in once every two days to feed them.

