My Parenting Style: My Own Cup Of Worry.

6 min readJul 8, 2021

Parenting was an easy plight when you don’t have kids. I thought I nailed the parenting business before my kids arrived but I couldn’t be more wrong. It was a long winding tunnel of challenges.

My first girl arrived packed with punches. With extra two weeks overdue, I was induced to kickstart her arrival. As labour progressed, she showed signs of distress after 14 hours of intense labour and was delivered through cesarean section.

The first few hours of being a mother was filled with uncertainty, misery and confusion. I laid helplessly on the intensive unit bed bleeding my life out, while my new baby cried nonstop for four straight hours.

The medical team at St Thomas Hospital London hovered above me trying desperately to stop me from bleeding to death while my girl wailed. The midwives on duty took turn in pacifying her, surprised by the hour old baby vocal strength.

Exhausted by the 15 hour long labour , the emergency cesarean and hours of bleeding, my body weakened and I soon slumped into a deep slumber.

Surviving The Birth Ordeal

