The Fun We Once Had

5 min readNov 29, 2020
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While driving through the dark cold road leading to my destination that Friday evening, I listened to the shrieking laughter of the presenter on my car transmitter. Through the dark evening, the voices of this presenter and her callers kept me company amidst flashes of lights and huffing of cars passing by.

For me, the journey was about 15 miles away from home, but the journey this radio presenter took her listeners was far behind; it was way back into the past years.

She started the show with talks about her younger days. Talking about the fun she had as a young girl living in the city of London in the late 60s. The experiences she gathered while window shopping on the streets of London, the walk around Oxford Street and the new arrival of big labels that rocked the 60s, 70s and 80s.

The Fun Of Life

It was captivating, the radio Presenter had a way with words. Within a few minutes into the show, her listeners’ calls poured in, each with a different version of their fun stories. There was excitement in the air.

I went on a journey with the show and its audience. My face shone with aspiration, I beamed with smiles. Beyond the words that flooded in, I found a place I belong to.

I was part of the audience, a large number of strangers with the bond of listening to the radio…

